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Clippy, a data and file scraper in Python

Updated: at 05:06 PM

Clippy logo

The problem.

CLIP, standing for Campus Life Integration Platform, is NOVA University’s e-learning and academic management platform where most class files, notes, and grades are uploaded. It’s old, it barely functions, and it’s super slow.

A screenshot of Clip.

Checking if your class professor uploaded a new file and downloading it requires you to go to four or five different pages after logging in. In summary, it’s not very good.

my solution.

A screenshot of Clippy.

While studying Python and looking into data scraping libraries, specifically Pandas, i wanted to make a personal project that would be useful to me and others. From there, the idea to build a script that would browse CLIP for me and download any new files seemed like a logical next step.

i wanted to make it easier to install and use so i found the excellent Click package that sped up the creation of a CLI interface while Poetry made it easy to publish without dependency management hell.

After an initial successful build, i looked into optimizing it and making it cross-platform. UPX and PyInstaller allowed me to convert it into a Windows EXE file that can be run without installing Python. i eventually removed the Pandas dependency for a simpler Regex implementation which made the app size 63% smaller.

The result.

Clippy currently officially supports all major operating systems on PC (Windows, MacOS and Linux) and also Android devices.

It’s available now! Installing instructions are on the Github repository. i have refrained from publishing it to PyPI as i think this is a project that still is mostly useful only to NOVA students and teachers, not the wider web.